The program is designed with great attention to the professional standards and requirements as outline by our regulating agencies. Students will be engaged in didactic, laboratory and clinical instruction each week. The program faculty is committed to student success and professional integrity. The program has
multiple clinical affiliates where students will receive clinical training.
The program is designed to offer students a comprehensive learning experience not only with didactic, laboratory and clinical instruction but is committed to the growth of the student as a professional. To that end, the program has a student service organization,
S.C.O.P.E., which students are required to hold
membership during their enrollment in the program. During the final semester of the program, students can become eligible for induction in the
Lambda Beta Society, which is the profession's national honor society. Students are required to become members of the state society (
TSRC) and the national association (
AARC) while in the program as a part of their integration into the profession.