Borrowing money, such as student loans, to pay for college tuition and expenses is a common option for many college students. However, any kind of loan is considered debt and must be paid back.
According to Education Data,
student loan debt in the United States totals $1.745 trillion dollars. Therefore, it is important to know how to responsibly manage student loans.
*Use the Loan Simulator Calculator to explore the impacts of borrowing student loans and the different repayment options available to you.
Visit How to Pay for College Without Student Loans to explore additional options to pay for college. This resource discusses the variety of ways students can supplement the cost of their education and graduate with little or no debt. It provides insight into how to apply for scholarships and federal aid and how to pursue a part-time job, side hustle, or work-study program while attending school. It also suggests taking advantage of employer tuition reimbursement programs and establishing money management skills.
Contact VC’s Financial Aid Office to learn more about financial aid opportunities to assist with various college expenses.