Law Enforcement

VC’s Law Enforcement Academy will prepare you for a career in law enforcement and leads to a Basic Peace Officer Certification. Successful completion of the academy will enable you to take the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement examination to become a licensed peace officer in Texas.

Law Enforcement officers enforce prevailing laws, help prevent crime, and protect the lives and property of people who live in their jurisdiction.

VC currently offers two academies a year (Fall and Spring semesters). Both academies are conducted Monday-Friday, with class meeting 8-10 hours per day. Some night and weekend training dates are also required throughout the course academy.

The Law Enforcement Academy may be taken as noncredit.

VC’s Law Enforcement Academy is licensed by the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement. (TCOLE). 

All law enforcement academy application requirements and standards have been approved by the Law Enforcement Academy Advisory Board.  

Please review the advisory board approved Law Enforcement Academy Admissions Requirements. For a complete application packet, contact James Martinez at

  • Contact Us

  • Police Academy In-Service Training Calendar

  • Blue to Gold Training: February 27 -29, 2024

  • Admissions Requirements